<body>   //.. Cause its magic  

Saturday, August 15, 2009,

» 2:14 AM


okayy.. i go now. bye!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009,

» 12:25 AM

Palui wa FB ani. Stalking pulang ku ulih nya.

Im not that interested in doing quizzes anymore. And my current addiction is stalking people’s FB. And I keep on stalking this one guy punya FB. Macam okay, stalking is one thing but stalking just to laugh at them is another thing. Bedusa ku pulang wa. I cant help it. he is so funny!! funny macam you go =__= funny. si Filah tau ne siapa aku selalu stalk ah. Hahahaha.

Bangas ku di rumah ah. I am so bored out of my head. -__- I don’t know what to do. im refraining myself from eating. I don’t want to gain anymore weight. Kehati karang ku ulih nya.
AHH behapa tah ku ne?? I cant jog cause its super hot outside. I cant do anything cause its super cold inside. Best of both world. =__=

Aircon ku baru berusai. And im like this all the frigging time. hahaha. okay I is bored.


Saturday, August 8, 2009,

» 2:00 AM


Im a bit tired atm. i guess i am just too overwhelmed. =__=

I admit it, i was pretty much jealous of those who got the Goverment scholarship and those who got into UBD. when i first heard the news that i was plainly REJECTED by UBD i was like "awwwwwww =((" and then knowing that i didnt apply for the goverment scholarship i was like this

Double Awwww

But then after a long and dreadful misery, i decided to bug Cikgu Yahya and called him. and guess what?? they already got the results!! and they didnt tell us =__= yay. P/s With Khairul teasing me the night before of how he knew the results already.

okay i guess you're prolly wondering what im talking about. im going to explain to you now. blablabla long story cut short, i applied for the Chinese Goverment scholarship and i got it! and also congrats to filah for getting it too!!

so today we went to the Chinese Embasador's house and we were given the contract. so overall there are 5 of us. Filah, Wang ee, Osmera, sha and me. We were divided basically all over China. Filah is going to be in the Central of China which is Beijing and im going to be in the South which is Chong Qing and the others are divided in the north, East and prolly West. We're like all over.

okay. ngalih blogging. will sambung later if im not tired.

Thursday, August 6, 2009,

» 9:36 PM


Im back?? Filah convinced me yesterday to change my blog to blogspot again. And I guess I was pretty much convinced.

Waw. It took me the whole morning to edit this one. I forgot most of the codes already. -_- I mean masa last year it took me only an hour to edit blogs. -__- Ive lost my magic touch. Hahaha. so corny early in the morning. I guess im going simple this time.

So yes, if you know me already I don’t think you’ll have a problem of understanding what im saying most of the time. but if you don’t, its okay. You’ll get it in a matter of number of posts.
Anyhoots, its Friday~ and tomorrow is the big day. Yay!!

I think I’m supposed to be watching shining legacy atm but then I’m just too lazy to bother. I’m back on lazy mode again. Haiz.

Okay. will blog properly later.

To my first reader,

Please leave a message on my tag board just to make it less lonely. I’ll slap you silly if you don’t! HAHAHA! Okay bai.

» 7:55 PM



Hai. Welcome. This is my blog. =D


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atm? nothing. =__=


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Affilah Raffee
Adibah Nazurah
Okay i'll link everybady else later. i lazy =__=


August 2009